Where to Eat in Edmond: Woodward Pizza

Hey, friends. Okay, I tried a new thing today. We went to the Icehouse Project in Edmond, off of 1st Street in downtown.  and inside of here is The Fried Taco, which we're going to try next.  But, instead, we went to Woodward Pizza that opened today, and it's authentic Detroit... They serve authentic Detroit-style pizza, and I don't know that I really had that before, and I'm kind of a fan. A little bit deeper dish, like super yummy, like crunchy, cheesy edges. That's my favorite.

We started with the breadsticks with this garlic dip that I think is cream cheese and Parmesan and Magic Sauce all mixed together, like take a bath in it kind of good. So yummy. The garlic bread was perfect little strips and perfectly salty and Parmesany and garlicky, Mmmmm. So that was my favorite of all, the garlic dip. I want to like take some home in my purse just to keep on me at all times, just in case I need it.

We got the spicy Hawaiian, really yummy. It had hot honey on it and jalapenos. So apparently, Detroit-style pizza, the sauce goes on the top. What? On the top, and their sauce is yum. So if you have to like highlight a sauce and you're going to put it on top of the pizza, it better be good, and they totally accomplished that.  We also got the Detroiter pepperoni with pepperoni cups. I just love pepperoni cups. I think they're like so yum-yum. Both were delish, like absolutely no complaints. Definitely want to go back and try it again.

The inside's super cute. They have a full bar. They said they're going to be having like four cocktails on tap. They're still working out which ones those are going to be. They were still on their soft open menu. They're still finalizing some things.

I don't know the name of it, we talked to Keith, one of the owners who's from Michigan, he said one of the things that they serve as an appetizer in Michigan is this Greek fried cheese. So they put it in a skillet, run it through their pizza oven so it's like crazy hot and bubbly. Then they pour something over it and then catch it on fire. How fun is that at your table? So flaming cheese at your table and then you eat the breadsticks with that, too. So I'm probably going to have to have that when that starts being a thing. I guess that will be in two weeks, he said.

So you definitely need to go to Woodward Pizza. You're going to love it. I totally promise. It is fantastic, and I'm super excited for this little Icehouse Project area because there's a fun little area to play and like with the green forever grass and a climby thing. So if you want to sit outside with your kids and let them run around and you can enjoy a meal with friends, it's the perfect spot. So you definitely need to go try it out, and you are going to totally, absolutely, love it.

Lauren Sargeant

Lauren was born and raised in Oklahoma City.  As  the brains behind Best Life OKC, Lauren loves celebrating all things local and bringing awareness to local business in the community. Her family supports the local adoption and foster care community through the HALO Project International.


Where to Get Coffee in Edmond: Cafe Evoke


Where to Eat in OKC/Edmond: Cafe 501