What to do in OKC: Flix Brewhouse

Hey friends. Okay. I have a must-do in OKC spot,  Flick's Brewhouse. So fun!

Clayton and I went for a day date today. It doesn't happen very often, but it did. And do you know that I have not set foot in a movie theater since like the world shut down at the beginning of 2020? So I think if I were to have an inaugural back to the movies spot, this was the perfect place to do it. It's super cool. It's a brewery and they have all the tanks. You can see them doing their thing. And then at the top of the theater, when you walk in, there's like a big bar, but above the bar is where all the tanks are where they hold the beer. I think that's what they do. I'm not a brewhouse expert, but you can buy your tickets online or you can buy them when you get in there, they have a little kiosk. If both of those are too difficult, you can opt to have the bartender get you your tickets. Although that's what we did today, but I think it was because it was like lunchtime on a Monday. But they had a little corner too, right when you go in the door that you can buy your tickets there for those who like don't really want to buy them from a screen. Sometimes that's me, just sometimes.

The theater is so nice, really big. You have like your own personal little table and they're lit, just barely so it doesn't disturb you while you're watching your movie, but that way you can see whatever snacks or food you have chosen, and they have little buttons that you push when you want someone to bring you something. So you don't even actually have to go get your own Coke refill. Now, it's a free Coke refill. So that's kind of great, but they have all sorts of like apps and they have pizza and desserts and burgers. You can get a burger at the movie, it's pretty amazing.  The seats are super duper comfy. They like recline, or not. We loved it. I was super cozy. Now, here's the thing, they carry Pepsi products. We're kind of a Coke family. So I even think I just said, you can get a Coke refill. No, no, actually you cannot get a Coke refill there, but you can get a Dr. Pepper or a Diet Pepsi. So you need to know that going in if Coke is your life. So you totally need to go have like a super cool pub/brewhouse-y movie experience. I think you're totally going to love it. And they serve brunch on Sundays and Saturdays. You can get waffles at the movies and cocktails if you're into that. So you need to go. I need some food recommendations so tell me what you order, and what I need to get next time I go.

It's so fun and you're going to love it.

Lauren Sargeant

Lauren was born and raised in Oklahoma City.  As  the brains behind Best Life OKC, Lauren loves celebrating all things local and bringing awareness to local business in the community. Her family supports the local adoption and foster care community through the HALO Project International.


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