Where to Eat in OKC: Nashbird Chicken

All right, let's talk about chicken sandwiches, because they're very important and highly debated.

Nashbird, with hot dang chicken sandwiches. So good, so good. They have three locations, Edmond, Norman and Downtown Oklahoma City. This was my first trip to the Edmond location and it's so fun in there and colorful. I got the chicken sandwich and the chicken was crispy and breaded. Now, you can choose grilled, I should choose that next time. I didn't choose that this time. And you get levels of hotness to very, very hot, to no hot, one step above hot might be called chirp, that's might be what I've chosen. That sounds kind of wimpy, doesn't it? But it was so yum. And I can say maybe that it was better than Chick-fil-A and I love me a Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich. Bun was great, coleslaw on top of it was super flavorful, not overwhelming at all, pickles, because you just have to have pickles and if you don't love pickles, I am so sad for you. Not judging you, but I'm sad because pickles just make the world a better place.

So you need to go. You need to try it.  And they have fun sides. I picked the tomato, cucumber, onion salad, and it was super refreshing. If you happen to have a sandwich that was kind of hot, it probably would cool down your hotness. That's not what I picked of course, but because I went the wimpy chirp route. It was delicious, so try that. I want to go back and try more sides because I'm all about the sides. Sides are my favorite. They also have slushies, Rose Slushies. How fun is that? So Jenny and Marc Dunham own it. I adore Jenny, she's one of my favorite people.

So you need to go, you need to let me know what you liked, what you tried, your level of hotness. I think you are going to be super excited, like I was with my lunch today.

Lauren Sargeant

Lauren was born and raised in Oklahoma City.  As  the brains behind Best Life OKC, Lauren loves celebrating all things local and bringing awareness to local business in the community. Her family supports the local adoption and foster care community through the HALO Project International.


Where to Eat in OKC: Milo


Where to Shop in Edmond: Muse