Where to Go: Frenzy Brewing

We tried something new tonight, new to us.

Frenzy Brewing Company, downtown Edmond. We know how I feel about downtown Edmond. So fun, tons of choices. You can get flights for two, three, $4, little ones, and try a whole bunch. You know how I feel about the samples and trying new things and a little bit of all the things. So that was kind of my fav. They have games and lots of tables. And if you get hungry, I just saw it pop up on the screen that you can go grab food to-go from The Mule across the street and bring it back to the brewing company. How great is that? Clayton says it's fabulous. I was trying not to use that word, but I really think it is, especially the blue doors. I mean, can you even? So go try Frenzy.

You're going to love it. It's super fun.

Lauren Sargeant

Lauren was born and raised in Oklahoma City.  As  the brains behind Best Life OKC, Lauren loves celebrating all things local and bringing awareness to local business in the community. Her family supports the local adoption and foster care community through the HALO Project International.


Where to Eat: Othello’s


Where to Shop: Blue Seven!