Where to Get Tea & Soda in OKC: Feng Cha

Hey friends. Okay. I have a new must-go get a drinking spot for you. Feng Cha. It's a boba tea place on the corner of 150th and Western, which we love that it's so close. There's a drive-thru, which makes it super convenient and it's yummy, and cute and bright in there with fun little tables. So you can enjoy your boba and little spots for selfies that might include boba squashmellows. We were kind of obsessed with the squashmellows. So we also tried...

Correction Squishmallows.

Okay, correction. Squishmallows. Really? 

This whole time I've been saying it wrong. Okay. So they have a whole board with all the popular choices. I went with the dirty boba. It's really good. I would get that again. Sophie got the Oreo milk tea. I loved it because it wasn't crazy sweet. It doesn't come with boba. So if we want that, you have to add it in, but I'm coming back because I get cravings for boba tea and it's always been way too far away from me. 

Now it's right around the corner. You can go in and get dessert too. Sophie and I tried the strawberry princess, a heart-shaped cake, adorable. With strawberries and they have cheese milk.

It was a whipped cream consistency.

It was. It was a whipped cream consist... It's yummy. It has a little cream cheesy twang to it. They put that on their teas too. Huh. Fun. This was our first. It was lemon cake with a fresh strawberry. I would eat that again. I am here for a strawberry dessert always. So you must go try it. If you've already been, tell me what you love from there. Yay for the boba tea with the daughter with the fun date. 

Lauren Sargeant

Lauren was born and raised in Oklahoma City.  As  the brains behind Best Life OKC, Lauren loves celebrating all things local and bringing awareness to local business in the community. Her family supports the local adoption and foster care community through the HALO Project International.


Where To Eat In OKC: Gorō Ramen


Where to Eat in OKC: Café do Brazil